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- Williams v. State of California
Wheatland School District welcomes constructive comments that help to improve the quality of our educational program and assist our staff to perform their tasks more efficiently.
Some complaints fall within the jurisdiction of the school district and others fall within the jurisdiction of the California Department of Education.
For general information on complaints, please click here to view the California Department of Education Uniform Complaint Procedures.
Complaints about School Personnel
Governing Boards are legally required to safeguard employees from individuals who may upbraid, insult or abuse them (illegal acts). In addition, personnel matters, especially anything evaluative in nature, must be done in a closed board meeting.
The procedure for filing a complaint is as follows:
- A complaint concerning a school employee should first be made directly to the person the complaint concerns.
- If unresolved, then the complaint should be directed to the Principal in writing, for review and analysis.
- If unresolved, the complaint shall be referred to the Superintendent.
- The Superintendent's decision shall be final, unless one of the parties involved requests a closed session before the Board of Trustees on the complaint. When a complaint is made directly to the Board as a whole or to an individual Board member, it shall be referred to the administration for study and possible solution.
Complaints about Instructional Programs
If you wish to lodge a complaint about an instructional program, please present your criticism in writing to the Superintendent.
Written complaints about programs should be very specific in nature, addressing:
- The program involved
- Specific complaints
- Identification of complainant by name, address, any pertinent affiliation, and a statement of the basis for criticizing the particular item
If the complaint involves any Consolidated Categorical Programs (Title I, Title II, etc.), the complainant may contact and discuss the issue with the School's Administrator. If the issue is still unresolved, the complainant may use the Uniform Complaint Procedure.
Non-Discrimination Statement: Title IX - Ed Code 221.61
Equal Access
Fore more information, click here.