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Wheatland School District

Learning for All

Summer Camp 2024

Enrollment is closed

Enrollment is closed

The Wheatland School District is hosting its 22nd Annual Summer Camp!  "Campers" engage in hands-on activities that are both educational and fun. There will be a mix of academic and enrichment activities provided by para-educators.


Students must be currently enrolled in a Wheatland School District school and be at least 5 years old between September 2, 2023 - April 2, 2024. Students enrolled in pre-school during the 2023-2024 school year are not eligible.
TK-8th grade students participate in activities in mixed grade groups. Students transition between classrooms independently.

Theme: California Adventure (chosen by student votes)

When: Monday through Fridays (Closed on Wednesday, June 19th), June10 - 28th; 8AM-5PM

Where: Lone Tree School on Beale AFB  (Camp Office is Room 35; Phone: 530-788-7342)

Transportation: Bus transportation is available to and from Wheatland

ROUTE 1 - Morning Arrival (from Wheatland to Camp):
8:05am   711 Olive Street (church parking lot area)           
8:15am   Main Street (across from District Office)
8:30am   Arrive at Summer Camp (Lone Tree School by Office)
ROUTE 2 - Morning Arrival (from Wheatland to Camp):                
8:05am   Bear Ridge Apartments
8:12am   Wheatland Ranch (Park)
8:20am   Corner of CFW Road & Spenceville Road
8:30am   Arrive at Summer Camp (Lone Tree School by Office)
ROUTE 1 - Afternoon Departure (from Camp to Wheatland):
4:15pm   Leave Summer Camp (Lone Tree School by Library)
4:30pm   District Office (by steps)
4:35pm   711 Olive Street (church parking lot area)
ROUTE 2 - Afternoon Departure (from Camp to Wheatland):
4:15pm   Leave Summer Camp (Lone Tree School by Library)           
4:19pm   Hollis Lane                                                            
4:25pm   Wheatland Ranch
4:30pm   Bear Ridge Apartments

Food: Breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack are free! 

Cost:  No cost for the Camp program. 

Due to scheduling conflicts, there will be no off-campus field trips and no swimming offered this year.

For "Campers" that were enrolled during the open enrollment period, a Camp Confirmation Packet will be emailed to the email that you provided no later than June 4th. Priority enrollment will be given to students who qualify under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Foster Youth and free/reduced-priced meals under the Federal FRPM form.  Space is limited and students are enrolled in the program on a first come, first served basis once priority order has been applied.